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Saturday, April 23, 2011


Posted to Writers Island


When Doktir Nairobi speaks
The words of The Ancient Ones
“Close your eyes and visualise…”
Using Month Sixty techniques
Sixty degrees separate
The Pan-Pacific Process
From the other side of Time

The Transatlantic Thought Club
Enters a new dimension
Time and Space turn full circle
Three hundred sixty degrees
And Eternity transforms
From a theory; a concept
To an infinite domain

Inhabitants of Tiny Tree
Take a break to visit Time
Travellers like you and me
Experience Life On Earth

Time out from Eternity
To learn the lessons of Life
Our aim; to remember why
And from where and when we came

We use the Memory Chain
It’s not rocket science, it’s
Space Travel For Beginners
…How Nairobic is that…?

Doktir Nairobi is a fictional character
from the pen of Andy Sewina.
Click HERE to find out more.


  1. I'd like to say I get this but I really don't. Going away to ponder awhile.

  2. Thanks I'mnotaverse; It's a fictional (sci-fi) concept and was written for inclusion in a related publication.

  3. Thanks Anthony; A kind of 'specialised subject'.

  4. And Eternity transforms
    From a theory; a concept
    To an infinite domain

    Inhabitants of Tiny Tree
    Take a break to visit Time

    For me it all crystalized around these lines. A compelling piece.

  5. Thanks Dave; The original concept belongs to Andy Sewina - This is an interpretation of some of the aspects it covers.

  6. The 4th stanza I could relate.

  7. Thanks Irene; It's a somewhat tongue-in-cheek philosophy that has some aspects we can all relate to.

  8. Time and Space turn full circle
    Three hundred sixty degrees
    And Eternity transforms
    From a theory; a concept
    To an infinite domain

    There's a whole heap of truth wrapped in these lines, as well as beauty! :)

  9. I'm curious about month sixty techniques and memory chains...interesting piece here. I like it enough to read it again.

  10. Pondering this, along with many others. Maybe it is too early in the morning here.

  11. Thanks to:
    Jinksy; These are the words of the Ancient Ones...
    Brenda; You could follow the link...
    Mary; Thanks for your visit.

  12. Oh, Oh, I could be in trouble because much of this makes some weird sort of sense. Does that mean I'm more ender than beginner, time aware than moments pending? Spending eternity in one moment? Haven't a clue, but like the hindsight for insight within the piece. I am therefore I think.


  13. Thanks Elizabeth; It will make some sense, or not - but remember, it's a work of fiction.

  14. "Time out from Eternity
    To learn the lessons of Life
    Our aim; to remember why
    And from where and when we came"

    I love that, Stan. A very interesting write, and I am now off to read Andy's.


  15. Thanks Pamela; Hope you find it enjoyable.

  16. "the Transatlantic Thought Club
    enters a new dimension"....

    I kind of feel that way sometimes when I read the poems of people all around this globe...followed by the comments of those from around this globe....

    I have been thoroughly enjoying this "new dimension" called NaPoWriMo!!

    Well-written piece, Stan...

  17. Thanks Paula; Another word fo it is the 'Globalocal'.

  18. Sometimes I wonder if we're "GlobaLOCO" ;)

  19. Thanks Stan, and you know that in addition to what you said above, the greatest thing we can do right here, right now, is to spend a little time in eternity.

  20. Thanks Andy; Yeah, sometimes it's good to take a Time Out.
