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Monday, September 8, 2014


For Sunday Whirl


Sun rose early to reveal
spot of bother up ahead.
Meandering motorway
decreed dismal dawn delays.
Poor prospect plants seeds of doubt
before brain locks on target.
gives you the edge over... them...
Don't take your eye off the ball!
Mirror, signal, manoeuvre...
Thrust...! Into first... and you're off!
Speeding bullets don't compare...!
And y'ain't sparing them horses!


  1. I god yes...mirror signal manoeuvre...I think accelerator and a rear glance is a better move...no point in sparing the horses as you say (btw I am not let loose on the open road so no fear!)

  2. Sounds like more than just a spot of bother--a colossal headache! So, yes, speed is in order!

    Another Whirl with Basho

  3. The smallest offering I have seen this week. Concise AND tells a tale. Well done.
